FLAVOR TEXT: Bomberman

An artificial life form created to perform menial labor one day becomes sentient and embarks on a journey to free themselves from their oppression. To do so, they must do the impossible: Escape to the surface world and become human. Only then will they be completely free. You may think to yourself: Why are we talking about the plot to 2018's Detroit: Become Human? And our response to you would be, oh no this isn't Quantic Dream's cinematic masterpiece...this is Bomberman, baby!

Image gallery from the episode: https://imgur.com/a/VL7yOt9.

Today's explosive lore dump is brought to you by Tommy, AKA "Whomstrodamus" in our Discord! Check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast if you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT for the one-time price of $50!

Image credit: TV Tokyo

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Episode 78: We Live In A Shorts-ciety

Oh boy, here come those dang investors again. They just won't STOP asking us to pitch them new mashups of old videogames. And it's like their asks are getting more and more hacky and uninspired each time...like, this week they just screamed "Make NPCs a protagonist!" and then sat there, nearly frozen in place.

So we had no other choice than to pitch a series of titles diving in on extremely problematic premises like cryptocurrency, fast fashion, and the gig economy!

Interested in the new MCU content but can't wade through the sea of seemingly endless titles and spinoffs? Well fear no more dear listener, the crew at Debate This! is here for you with a weekly recap podcast breaking down every character and mysterious Easter eggs. Check out The Ploose Is Loose! on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcatcher apps.

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Episode 77: Remember To Have Your Rock Dragons Spayed Or Neutered

Like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, the mysterious Shut Up Todd Pet Store has once again opened up its doors to showcase the wondrous marvels inside. But instead of floaty soda, it's full of giant mammoths and rock dragons just itching to do a murder. And now YOU can adopt one of these Monster Hunter monsters as your very own! And you should act now because this store is not going to stay standing for much longer.

Image credit: Nortonifer

If you want more Debate This!, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast. For $5 a month, you can get access to our premium feed where you can access the full backlog of our D&D real-play, real-corporate podcast Forborgürf And The Office Drones AND our exclusive Discord server!

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FLAVOR TEXT: Ghost Rider

He's dangerous, he's angry, he's on fire, and he has a skull face covered in the literal fires of Christian Hell. That's right kids, it's time we (finally) break down everyone's favorite #edgelord, Ghost Rider! Fun fact: You may know the Spirit of Vengeance as Jonny Blaze (i.e. Nic Cage in the movie) or Robbie Reyes from Agents of SHIELD. Well, there have actually been 22 documented Ghost Riders throughout Marvel's run of the character, making Ghost Rider one of the oldest and most prevalent figures in the entire Marvel universe!

Watch out you don't cut yourself on all this edgy art referenced throughout the episode: https://imgur.com/a/AyBiFBR

To Matt's chagrin, this episode is brought to you by Connor Koon, AKA "ThunderChicken" in our Discord! Check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast if you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT for the one-time price of $50!

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Ep. 76: Forged In A Ding Dang Hellfire

The suits at Discovery Ploose were so jealous that we were the only podcast talking about the Disney+ shows that they approached us to record an exclusive videogame-themed episode of History Channel's Forged in Fire. Don't ask them, just trust us. It's totally legit and definitely part of the FiF canon. Definitely.

Speaking of premium streaming services, how about those MCU shows? There's so gosh darned many of them coming out that you'd need to take a part-time job learning all of the through-lines. Well fear no more dear listener, the crew at Debate This! is here for you with a weekly recap podcast breaking down every character and mysterious Easter eggs. Check out The Ploose Is Loose! available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcatcher apps.

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SIDEBAR: Product Placement in Games

It's been a while since we all gathered around the pretend Zoom campfire and told some personal CUP NOODLES® IS THE PERFECT BLEND OF TASTY BROTH AND ZESTY TOPPINGS THAT TAKE ONLY 3 MINUTES AND A MICROWAVE TO MASTER. NO COOKING REQUIRED stories about favorite moments in video games.



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FLAVOR TEXT: Mandalore and the Mandalorians

The writers over at the Star Wars Extended Universe had a dilemma. They needed to create an entire race of people based off of one side character in the original movies who barely spoke as whose most defining personality was "jetpack." So, they had created this cool tribe full of warrior-nomads who all lived by their own defined code and called them "Mandalorians." And then the writers must have taken a holiday, because when it was time to name the planet someone just copy+pasted "Mandalorian."

And then when it was time to name the generations of clan leaders responsible for uniting the tribes into a nation someone just dropped the "ian" and said that every leader has the name "Mandalore." And then when fictional historians went back to name the specific wars fought against these people they named each of the 3 separate wars spanning thousands of years "The Mandalorian Wars." So here you are, America. We did a Star War and it's all about the Mandalorians, a race of intergalactic space cowboys who wear full body armor and wield space-flamethrowers.

This episode was commissioned by "NathanLV", an esteemed member of the West Coast chapter of #butthwampnation. If you'd like to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast!

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Episode 75: A Fairly Balanced Pair of Bat Nipples (ft Alyse Knorr)

To all of our surprise, Todd started his own superhero advertising agency during the pandemic and just informed us that we would be "pitching to him" a PR solution. After being told that they're completely different things, he just kind of shrugged and did that weird Ashlee Simpson SNL dance.

So, for some reason, the rest of us are here pitching a complete public relations strategy for a particular DC superhero. In this universe, be prepared to see Batman picking up trash by the highway, Shazam teaching kids the dangers of underage drinking, and Negative Man embracing his inner positivity.

Special thanks to our guest Alyse Knorr for joining us in our stupid, pretend board room! Alyse is a published writer, poet, professor, AND podcaster! Check out her Boss Fight Books work on Super Mario Bros. 3 and her podcast Sweetbitter which is currently exploring the life of Sappho among the poets of ancient Greece.

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Episode 74: The Fusty and the Furious

Make sure your hair is gelled and your shorts sufficiently cargo-ed, because today's episode is taking a one-way trip to the mid-00s as we talk about Flash games! Much like trying to fit a stick figure zombie in a cage, we try and stretch premises like "shoot kitten from cannon" into a long-form TV series centered on the complex father/daughter relationship between an ambitious prodigy and a brilliant scientist who's fallen from grace as a result of his search for the truth.

If you want more Debate This!, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast. For $5 a month, you can get access to our premium feed where you can access the full backlog of our D&D real-play, real-corporate podcast Forborgürf And The Office Drones. You'll also get the latest in our weekly WandaVision recap show The Ploose Is Loose!

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FLAVOR TEXT: One Piece (Pt 2)

Destiny. Fate. Dreams. Ad revenue. These unstoppable ideals are held deep in hearts of podcasters. As long as there are people who seek a self-sustaining income from things they enjoy in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth. We're back with part two Andrew talking at you about One Piece! On this part 2, we cover the Straw Hats entering the Grand Line through the end of the Alabasta civil war.

Thanks to The Other Harper for doubling down and gifting all of us this double-bill FLAVOR TEXT commission! If you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check us out on Patreon at patreon.com/debatethiscast.

Link to image gallery: https://imgur.com/a/WRlD7HI

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